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Trodat 46050 Printy Self-Inking Rubber Stamps Circular

Trodat 46050 Printy Self-Inking Rubber Stamps  Circular

Trodat 46050 Printy Self-Inking Rubber Stamps Circular

Price:   $ 56.00

SKU(s): T46050, T46050


About the Trodat 46050:
• Self-Inking Printy Circular Rubber Stamp
• Plate size diameter max. 2"
• Suggested lines of text: up to 10.
• High quality Trodat stamp providing thousands of impressions before needing to have the stamp pad replaced.
Available ink colors: black, red, blue, green and purple

Replacement Ink Pad: 6/46050

Whether for a name or address stamp, with or without logo - whatever the requirement, there is a Printy with the required text plate size available. Plate size diameter maximum 2", suggested lines of text: up to 10. Other ink colors available.